Colin Farrell May Replace Robert Pattinson in Your Vampire Dreams

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Twilight is officially ending next year, but Hollywood is already lining up a replacement to fill the Cullen-less sexy vampire void left when Robert Pattinson is no longer cast in the role of Edward on the big screen. And I'm here to tell you his name: Jerry Dandrige.
eam Jerry! Jerry Forever? It doesn't have the same ring now but you'll get used to it. Especially since he's hawt. And he's Colin Farrell. The 35-year-old actor is playing the lead role of a modern vampire in a remake of Fright Night, to hit theaters in August. It's a dumb name for a movie about vampires but it's a remake from 1985 so that could explain it.
Sexiest Vampire (Not) Alive is a tough role to fill after Pattinson did it so iconically, but I think Farrell totally gives Robert a good run. There are definitely similarities that I'm sure Hollywood worked in purposely to build off the attraction we already have for his character. Or at least to get us comparing the two.Let's start with Jerry's clothes, they are all man -- simple but sexy, black t-shirts and jeans that look absolutely amazing on that lean bod. One scene shows him in a dirty wife-beater T, but he even looks good in that. Hair slicked just enough to leave that bedhead hair look that you want to rub your face hands through.
But Farrell may even edge RPatz out. No wimpy vegetarian vampires in this movie. Farrell is a bad bloodersucker who lives in a middle-class suburban neighborhood and goes around killing off high school students. If Bella had attended that school, she'd be long gone by now. There's just something so sexy about that to me, especially since I really hated high school.Source

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