Rihanna and Colin Farrell: It's on!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sharing a sofa on The Graham Norton Show in December, the chemistry between Rihanna and Colin Farrell was so sizzling you could fry a sausage on your TV screen.
And it seems things are still h-o-t! Now can reveal they've been on several secret dates.In fact, despite Ri-Ri's crazy work schedule, the 23-year-old singer's spent three nights in the past two weeks with Irish playboy Colin, 34.
They were flirting up a storm on The Graham Norton Show.

'Afterwards in the green room, Colin asked her if she'd go for a cup of tea.

'She was in hysterics! It was the sexiest, most heart-meltingly sweet thing a guy's ever asked her to do.

'Especially when Colin, who's working hard on his sobriety, explained he couldn't go to a bar.‘Four weeks later they saw each other in LA and Rihanna stayed at his house and they've met a few times since.

'She's really smitten by his charisma, his old-fashioned manners and sexy Irish accent.'More

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