Farrell: Quitting drink was best decision

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Colin Farrell has admitted that giving up alcohol was the "best decision" he ever made.

The Irish actor, who had a well-documented battle against drink and drugs, told The Mirror that he had not lost any friends over his decision to change his lifestyle.

"It doesn't bother me watching mates getting drunk when we're out," he said. "But it was the best ­decision I ever made in my whole life. Now I go home at 1am in instead of four - not that they would notice."

Farrell is currently training for a role in a remake of Total Recall and revealed the gruelling routine he has undertaken to reprise the character originally portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"I've got this hairy Croatian boxing coach who tortures me every day because I need big muscles for a movie," he said. "He's killing me with his drills."Source

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