The Way Back Review

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Way Back is based on the true story of a group of prisoners, whom escape a Russian Gulag in Siberia in the winter of 1940. After their daring escape, the group must cross the dangerous terrain to reach Mongolia, where they will hopefully find freedom from the Communist regime that hunts them. Filling out the cast are Ed Harris (Pollock, A History Of Violence), Colin Farrell (Miami Vice, Phone Booth) and Saoirse Ronan (The Lovely Bones). Director Peter Weir's greatest asset here is his cast. A film like The Way Back will live or die by it's cast and thankfully, all major players bring their A-game to the table. The biggest surprise, performance wise, is Colin Farrell in his portrayal of Valka, a head strong, professional criminal. In the past, Farrell has been accused of butchering foreign accents, but his Russian works perfectly here. Ed Harris also provides a good performance as the mysterious American prisoner amongst the group. Although laughably named Mr. Smith, his character proves to be more than a one dimension cardboard cut out of the Real American Hero. More

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