Total Recall May Get A Sequel

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Screen Rant is reporting that the upcoming Total Recall remake may find itself with a sequel, granted audiences respond well to it. While speaking to producers Neal Moritz and Toby Jaffe during a recent set visit, Screen Rant asked whether the film is set to launch a franchise. Moritz and Jaffe wouldn’t give a definite answer but they did say that they’d be open to doing it and if audiences enjoy the film then a sequel or sequels, may very well become a reality. When asked if there is potential to continue the story, here’s the answer that they gave. Toby: We hope so. Neal: We hope so. We never set out to make a movie that has a sequel. Anytime we’ve maybe tried to do that, it hasn’t necessarily worked and luckily, during the Fast and Furious movies and a lot of other movies we’ve made, we’ve made a lot of sequels, and my feeling is that if the audience likes it, we’ll make a sequel. So, I mean, we’d like to. It’s a great world to be in. It’s fun. Plus when you make a sequel, audiences already know the characters, so it’s a lot easier to get a movie going. Having not seen the film yet, it’s hard to comment whether a sequel would work or not but that being said, I’ve really enjoyed all the footage that has been shown from the film thus far.Judging from the trailer and the images that we’ve seen, I love the dark and gritty future that director Len Wiseman has created. Mixed with his stylized and fast paced action, I think we’re going to get a very thrilling film. The effects and set pieces look great as well. Personally, I’m hoping that things work out for this remake and if they do, I’d be more than happy to see a sequel.Source

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