Thursday, June 14, 2012

Colin Farrell is holding a futuristic black gun that fires energy rather than bullets. He’s standing behind a sliding white door inside a capsule that travels through the center of the Earth. Inside the room he’s trying to enter, armed Federal soldiers are guarding a valuable prisoner: Melina (Jessica Biel), one of the leaders of the underground resistance, and she’s trying to get rid of Vilos Cohaagen (the leader of the United Federation of Britain, who’s being played by Bryan Cranston). An assistant director calls action, the door slides open and Farrell comes barreling in, firing his weapon and killing three soldiers. After freeing Biel, Farrell explains that Cohaagen is lying and he’s not with him. As he pleads with her, it’s clear Biel is not sure what to believe, but she eventually embraces him with watery eyes. After a long kiss, they race out of the capsule and someone calls cut.More

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